Rught to thr point! Barry haven't you done this with a cough-Delco alternator? (Single wire, I presume).
Sorry. Just answered the question that was asked. Yes, I used an 80 amp Delco, Norelco, sumpthin like that. Put the Ford pulley and fan on it, slightly enlarged the top bolt hole and used a longer spacer, had to use a smaller metric bolt & washer in the lower adjustable bracket. Ran a piece of 8 AWG wire to the battery + terminal. Summit and some others now sell Ford specific single wire alternators. I did mine about 7 or 8 years ago before those were available.
Another question on this...what do you do with the voltage regulator on the fender skirt? Do you just can it, or what? Earl
Get rid of the regulator and the harness that goes between it and the alternator. Just a single wire goes from the alternator to the battery + (or starter solenoid). Make sure you have good grounds between the battery - terminal and the engine block and chassis.