I've red the threads and even had one myself at a time about this so I'll go fast : Car sat for a month, unplugged the battery (2 months old battery), replugged it, started the car, smooth, worked, drove a bit, parked it and unplugged it again. A couple of more weeks later, I replug the battery, turn the key, battery is still charged, hear a first loud click and then turn but doesn't hook. Tried jump starting it just in case, didn't hook, did the "hammer on the starter" trick, almost hooked for a split second then nothing again. Once all that was tried for a little while, cable from + terminal to solenoid is hot, solenoid is not hot and cable coming from solenoid to starter is not hot either. So is it the solenoid? The cable? The starter (the part is about 6 months old)? Any quick tip for me to test in the morning before calling a tow truck? Thanks a lot!
try cleaning the battery cables at both ends and make sure your ground cable is tight then you can turn the engine by hand then try to start it if not I suspect your starter solenoid
You would suspect cable to starter from solenoid would be hot as well as cable from solenoid to battery although cable to battery is shorter so it would heat up first, so it is possible that the solenoid has an internal problem causing it to ground out. I would try jumping around the posts going to the battery and starter with a set of jumper cables if it tries to start then you at least know it is not the starter, then if it does not try to start go directly to battery with jumper cable. Length of jumper cables will draw the voltage down but still should be able to turn it over Solenoids even new ones have been known to have issues but I would do as junrai suggested and check for corroded or lose connections and for piece of mind if nothing is found replace solenoid and cable to solenoid
Checked all, then decided to spray starter fluid in carb, cranked and almost started. I looked into carb, there's gas coming in from where it should, small spur driplets. How should the gas come? Strong tiny jet? Sprayed like a mist already? Cause I think my issue is the carb. Thanks