\Looking into options for my gasser project, I've run across several mechanical fuel injection set-ups, you know, the old Hilborn, Crower Inglese "pipe organ" or stacks type from the old drag racing days I know you can get the old systems converted to electronic (EFI) but it's pricey....even the old mechanical systems themselves are pricey, but I've got a source to probably get a complete set-up cheap I've heard the old mechaical fuel injection was a P.I.T.A to keep adjusted and tuned to the engine....any "mature" rodders out there experienced with the petroleum pipe organs? .
No personal experience, but what you've heard about tuning is correct, a PITA. The articles I've seen mention low speed, high speed, and intermediate bypass circuits that all have to be tuned individually with jets and linkage ratios...
I guess the question is how cheap. Some 30 years ago a friend had a 55 Chevy street/gasser that he drove on nice days...................decided to put fuel injection on it...............the group of us must have worked on it for weeks before finally giving up and then he put a 671 on it. Remember that mechanical fuel injection is made to run at WOT, not meant to idle around from stoplight to stoplight. One of the issues is mounting the fuel pump drive, pressure needs to be just right, starting it with a spray can will be interesting............and shutting the motor off could also be fun. There are people that have made it work on the street but tuning it can change from day to day (weather, altitude, humidity) so my suggestion would be to find some ole dirt track guy who really knows mechanical fuel injection...................or although it's pretty expensive, you are better off to by something that can be tuned with a laptop unless you want to spend the next 2 years trying to sort it out.................IMHO