Here's what I got: 1994 Mustang GT, 5.0 w/AOD (E?) and 2.73 gears out back. The tranny acts perfect at all times, except when you get on it. If you floor it, when it comes time to shift, it doesn't. The stupid thing will run up to the redline and bounce on the rev limiter all day long rather than upshift. If you take your foot off the floor, for a split second, and jam it back, it will shift finally. Makes for a very rough upshift though. It also is very late to upshift when you drive more aggressive than grandma... Anything more than putting around town, and the rpms go higher than they should before upshift. Full throttle has no upshift. What is the problem? TV cable adjustment? TPS?
Sounds to me like your TV cable is out of wack.Had nearly identical problem with a F 150 and the TV cable was to blame. Just remember to get it set up with a pressure gauge or you could cook that sucker quick.
I don't think an AODE would have a TV cable, so if it does, I would think it's an AOD and yeah, I'd look at the cable first. If it's an E... I have no idea.
Well, if Jamie is correct, and it is an 'E', then I suppose the TPS would be the first suspect... Where is Paul when you need him?
but if it revs at high rpms then the problem would be in the TCM, that it's not receiving signal from the TPS, I think.
It is probably either a speed sensor or the throttle pressure sensor. Your transmission is all computer controlled.... I think it runs Windoze software.
LMAO! please reboot then call back if still not working, hehe. actually i believe the controllers run a proprietary kernal based machine code..... ;P
I was joking about windoze but it is all computer controlled. See if you can pull any codes first. If that doesn't work then test the two components mentioned first. If you can find nothing wrong then test the connections to the solenoids - both inside and outside the case. If the connections are good then replace the solenoid.