This was posted by David from TFFN. Keep an eye out for it. I posted this on Fordsix also but have not forwarded it to any other forums.
That was an update by David. The parcel was unaccounted for previously and was thought stolen. At least the problem was resolved.
Maybe that's where they delivered my driveshaft. Glad it turned up. I hate when they leave stuff when nobody's around.. fortunately I have not had any packages walk off yet.:16suspect
When was it that they decided that they don't need signatures anymore? I used to not mind when my neighbor would come over after work and say that they gave him one of my packages because I wasn't home to sign for it. Lately, I have come home to find 2 or more Dell computers on my doorstep (facing the street, and maybe 35 feet away), as well as all the other items I have bought over the past 2 years or so. Yet my full and Sta-Bil-ized gascans are getting stolen out of my garage whenever I turn my back...
Very good point... My uncle did that with an old dentist's chair. They put it out at the curb and the garbage guys wouldn't take it. After a week, they pulled it back to the building, put a chain and lock on it, and someone cut the chain and stole it in a couple of nights... Completely true story. He sells dental supplies for a good portion of South Texas, which is why it was a dental chair.