OK guys...she's on the road...kinda...been taken her out on test runs and doin some tweeking. My prob is when I shower down on it I get a vibration from the middle of the car. I checked the front u-joint and there is a very minimal amout of play in it...but there is some...it is an original joint...Im gonna change it tomorrow...the rear is new. Any other ideas on what it might be? Stuff like this just bugs the crap out me till its right.. Thx Rick
vibration Did you happen to take the trans. counter balance off, that will cause a shake on the tunnel.
Im not sure what you mean by counter balancer...nothing came off the tranny that wasn't put back on. This is a problem that just presented itself today after the third test run and what was going to be the final tweeking of the engine. I think we have some more carb and timing adjustments to do. The vibration is in the tunnel though. One thing we did do...the car was scraping the tires with the wells...10" tires on the rear...we added an bottom leaf and fabricated a "wedge" for extra bracing for each side between the two bottom leafs...the car now sits about 2" higher than it did and bites really hard on takeoff . I dont see how this could have a vibrating effect...but i guess anything is possible
? I'm not sure what you mean by 'shower down on it'? Just kiddin'. I have never heard that one before. Are your motor mounts and tranny mounts secure? Is the harmonic balancer in good shape? As posted earlier, it could be in the driveshaft or the tranny. Good luck finding it. Seth
Am inclined to think that your ride height mods have changed the pinion angle and trans ujoint angle. Even a minimal amount of wear in joints can cause some vibration. Under load the torque effect on these items is loading the drivetrain in one direction and then in deceleration, it is unloaded and symptoms like yours show up. Rear mount, angle and driveshaft balance is my guess along with that loose front joint.
vibration Now that there is more info. on the post, I am more inclined to agree with Old Guy this same situation happened to my brother-in-law when he lowered his pickup, it all came down to the pinion angle. Strike another up for Old Guy.:bananaman
Not too bad for an Old Guy...you were precisely on the money...after we added the front "Wedge" to the leafs and changed the U-Joint everything smoothed out. Im posting a pic of what we did to the suspension system to raise the rear...The ride is surpringly smooth and she bites really well. plz keep in mind these need to be ground...rust proofed and painted
Y did u weld that in there like that for HHHHMM that there makes me a little nervious...... DID u weld them in on the leafs?????? if so... u know that the leafs are heated for the arch....and br welding them u might a caused some damage to them,,,,,,???? After seeing what u did makes me wonder..... Y didnt just a small shim under the spring perch...???? I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT METHOD.... Ron
All the wedges did was fill the gap...they didnt make a gap so a shim was out of the question...the surrounding leafs at the welds were covered in heat paste and water cooled immediately after the welds were made... all the leafs appear to have maintained there integrity fine.
Pinion angle inclenation Normally,,,, people that change rear ends... trannies.... get the pinion angle. wrong which in turns causes the problem you had described..... And the Proper fix...is a shim under the spring and the spring perch.... to pitch the axle thus getting the proper pinion angle inclenation...... Like I said .... I have never seen that method done before... DIDNT SAY IT DIDNT WORK>>>> lol.. but those shims I spoke of can be usually purchased at the local 4x4 shop... with diffrent thickness,, to acheive the proper angle that is desired...... Ron