I've currently got a toploader 4 speed and I'd like to convert to a cable clutch. I've found where I can get a conversion for the pedal side, but what can I do about the bellhousing side? Will the bellhousing from a T5 work with a toploader? Mine is out of a Mustang if it makes any difference. Anyone that has done this conversion...LET ME KNOW, PLEASE! Thanks!
I doubt you can go to cable because the T5 cable pulls where as the standard linkage for these cars pushes. You'd have to loop around and come up from the back. The cable would not be long enough to do this. You cannot use the T5 bellhousing with a toploader cause the T5 transmission is about 9/16" longer from the mounting surface to the end of the input shaft. The T5 bellhousing is that much deeper to make up the difference.
Once upon a time I saw a conversion kit to change an old bellhousing to cable setup. They used a cable type release fork and pivot that you had to mount inside the bellhousing. Don't remember where I saw it. I think they had a special throwout bearing to use with a long-style pressure plate. Maybe some of the Mustang houses are familiar with this kit.
I thought that it could be done, now all I have to do is figure out how they do it! LOL Thanks for the help.
I found it! Lakewood makes a scattershield set up for the cable clutch with a toploader. For anyone interested it's part # 15201.