are bellhousings from a 302c4 and 250c4 identical? got a tranny for my 100 dollar mav but no bellhousing. a yard near me has 2 mavs with 250 c4. thanks
Scott the only thing to consider and to watch for is they did make the 2 bell housing set ups on far as one unbolts with seperate bolts and one unbolts using the same bolts as the front pump........was not sure if you were aware of or not.......just wanted to help if I could.........also keep in mind that the c5 looks the same and bolts up the same and on the c5 you could run into the late model large can tell the difference between the 2 by on the c4 both band adjustment bolts are corse threaded.....and on the c5 one of them is fine threaded.