Hi, I'm having problems with my blower fan, and was wondering if anyone experinced anything simalar. I know its electrical because I've hooked a wire up from the fan to the battery and it worked, hot air started to fly out like the thing was band new. What i believe the problem exists with the wireing..... does anyone have a diagram of anykind that they could scan for me?? Or any ideas? Thanks, Cam
I'll have to dig out my tech stuff and try to identify the wiring for you, sometime this weekend. I'd suggest checking the obvious, if you haven't done so already (not trying to insult your intelligence). the most obvious areas are the fuse block and blower switch. Even if the fuse is good, you can have a deposit formed on the blades in the block which will block the flow of power. I had a problem with this on both of my Mavs. I cleaned the blades with a small Dremel ,or you can just use sandpaper, and it fixed several malfunctions. The blower control switch may have gone bad also. If you rule these out, I'd check for corrosion at the power connection to the blower motor then. I'd be a bit surprised if it is a break in a wire between the switch and the motor, unless you have worked under the dash and may have damaged one inadvertantly. If you have a 12v test light, it will make your diagnosis much easier. If you don't, head to the parts store and buy one. They're not expensive, but worth their weight in gold.