Does anyone know if there is a different b/l switch for power brake cars? I picked up a 74 Comet that was originally a drum brake cand the p/o swapped in power disc brakes (a good upgrade), the issue that I am having is the brake lights don't come on until the peddle is just about bottomed out. Thanks for your help, Chuck
IIRC the switches are the same for disc/drum, power/manual, but the brake pedals are different between power and manual. Someone will correct me if wrong.
The spring in manual brake switch is stiffer, used in power brake application can cause late/no activation. As far as aftermarket, I'm 99% one size fits all.
Thanks for the replies. It does have the correct pedal, I guess I will have buy a new switch and try to mod it to work. Chuck
You may also want to get the bushing kit for it as well if yours are missing. Mine did not act right without the bushings.
Couple years ago brake switch on my Cobra quit. Rummaged through my misc electrical drawer & came up with five/six brake switches. All were used so I did try depressing them, some were fairly easy others so stiff, could barely move them with my fingers. With meter, test proved none of the power brake switches would activate. &^&^# Anyway I dug around on ebay & found new old replacement stock for P/B. Box was pristine with no bar code or WWW-stuff, figured it was probably 30+ years old, works perfect.