I have an '87 escort ( i know i know its not a maverick.. but it is a ford ) I have a problem with what seems to be the front driver side brake somewhat rubbing. It smells like clutch lining and the wheel itself gets extremely hot. I figured it was just the front pads n shoes, so i changed them, they are brand new (although they could still be defective... but we'll assume theyre working properly). we bled the brakes and all that neat stuff. I took it out and drove it for a test run. Well the front right (driver's side) wheel was still getting hot and smoking rather well. I dont know what to do with it. Could it be that the proportioning valve has went sour? I looked for the valve and i didnt see one, but just because you dont see it doesnt mean its there. So its either the valve or the mastercylinder that could be causing this? I obviously need help (in probably more ways than just one LoL). All apologees if this post doesnt make any sense. Thanx for any input, Kyle B.
Something I have seen happen is the hose develpes a leak from the inside out to between the inner and outer layer of the hose. The rubber covering bulges and form a pressure pocket keeping pad pressure excessive. It also can cause intermittant pulling at times on brake applications.
well when we put the pads on we put them on with the caliper off (i've spent a billion hours it seems like doing nothing but drums... to do discs.. that was a new experience lol) so if that sounds like a dumb mule reply, i apologize. we just snapped the pads on and hooked the brake line to the caliper (filling the caliper with fluid prior to assembling the brake line to the caliper) then we bled the brakes off. So i dont believe we (my father and i) did any compressing. The old caliper as well as the new one had this problem. Drive out all cruisin in the badasscort... and then damn whats that smokin'. we changed the pads because they were rather nasty and that didnt change a thing. so we changed the caliper and it still does it. However the outer CV boot needs to be replaced (will be replaced sometime this week), although i dont blv that is what is causing my headache. I hope this reply helps with my answer, Kyle B.
btw, it was pads and caliper that i changed... not pads and shoes. I got a little bit ahead of myself there lol.
ok so you alreasdy replaced your calipers(sorry I did'nt catch that) soI would agree as well.....I would replace both hoses to be on the good side that will with very little dought fix your problem.
I just finished scoring all the goodies for the escort, ill be making the venture to change everything tomorrow most likely. Thank you all for the advice, it is greatly appreciated. Kyle B.