hi, my name is mike, i ran across your forum by way of troubleshooting the c-4. my c-4 is tci with the streetfighter kit. i nailed it from a dead stop , 1st. gear was fine , 2nd gear was good, as i went into drive it was as if i just went into nuetral. there was no bang , grinding or anything to make me believe i had broken anything.park is the only thing working.i am running a beefed up 302 with about 380 horses.i checked the linkage( outside) it was okay .i pulled the pan no metal just a few little shivers as usual.if someone can shed some light i would really appreciate it.
PM PaulS and ask him for a response to your thread. He is a tranny pro. http://mmb.maverick.to/member.php?u=1477
thanks for the reply, i really appreciate it. i spoke with a tranny guy today and he said it might be the torque converter. when i built this truck i put just an off the shelf converter, maybe thats all it is.i will have the tranny out by tomorrow, and check the converter to see if thats it.thanks again.
well, i removed the tranny today and cant tell head from tales about the converter.i drained most of the fluid out and shook it and you can hear something rattling around.guess i will take it to a tranny guy.yes ,it did have a warranty for 90 days after purchase.its almost a year old now.