Well I have a real problem. I took the Comet in for the state emmitions test and it ran beautifully. All of the things they measure were well within limits and the visual inspection went well. Then the guy comes up from the rear of the car and says that he is failing my car. So I ask why? He says that the fuel restrictor plate in the gas filler neck is gone. I say SO? Having never even thought about those as they are WAY outdated. He says he can't pass it without one. So I ask him where am I supposed to get one of those. He says that it really isn't a big deal NAPA has them. He said that they are the only place you can still get one but there is a NAPA just across the street. So I go over to NAPA and the manager there says yea we used to carry those but.... They have been discontinued. We haven't been able to get those for over 6 months! So now I am stuck Does anyone know where to find one of these or does someone have a stock filler nech that has one in it that I can buy or borrow? I only have to pass this one inspection after that I get my collector plates and never have to do it again. I am going down to the local bone yard to see if I can find something today. Sorry for such a long post, I kinda needed to vent a little.
????? I have often wondered the point of this guideline. The purpose of that restrictor WAS to prevent one from 'erroneously' adding leaded fuel to a car designed to run only on unleaded. At the gas pumps in the 70's and 80's for those of you who were born in the Reagan era or those of us getting too old to remember, there were 2 types of gas, leaded being one of them. The leaded pumps had large nozzle openings that would not fit through the opening in newer 'unleaded gas' cars. 'Unleaded cars' had catalytic converters and you could not run leaded gas in a car with a converter. Now that leaded gas is long gone, what is the point of this guideline? Does it have something to do with tank vapors? Seth
If you are talking about your 1969 1/2 Maverick....I don't think it would have a restrictor plate in the filler neck.
Kinda reminds me of when I lived in California, out here in Western Illinois, we dont smog stuff, kinda nice. (but I still miss the warm weather) Glen
No this is for the 76 Comet. You are right that the 691/2 and those up to 74 I believe do not have anything like that. I think they started the unleded change and emmitions crap starting in 75. I could be wrong on this one but I am fairly sure that is how it went. I guess that this is another crap leftover law that nobody has bothered to update. You can't buy regular leaded gas anymore so who cares what size of pump nozzle you can put into the gas tank. I guess I could look on the bright side...I have a Powerstroke Diesel and am use to filling that more then the Comet so I guess it could save me from putting diesel in the Comet. Update on the search: I think I may have found one intact in the junk yard. but the filler neck is rivited to the gas tank on the inside of the trunk (mine is screwed in). So I will have to go down there tomorrow after work and try to drill out the rivits. If I get it and someone else needs to borrow it then maybe we can ship it around to members here that have need.
Nick, his Comet is post 1975. And your shouting. BTW, a couple of the gas stations near me would be interested to know that their race gas is not leaded.
not in 74 my 74 does not have one, was stock when I bought it(supposedly) so 691/2mav is correct .... SO IS NICK .... sorry, couldn't resist ....... Robert
maybe we can ship it around to members Maybe we can get Autokrafters to reproduce them. Or maybe Maverick Connection can get them in cast aluminum for $150.
when i did my 76' tank swap to the BIG tank it had the little trap door on it. i thought it was cute so i got it and put it on. it stops the gas from spitting back when i fill up....frank...:bananaman :bananaman L.T.N.G.
Sometimes...more often than not...I'm glad I live in a state that did away with vehicle inspections...what a pain in the arse
I had the same thing happen to me with a 79 Bronco. Some came without and some came with. The ones that came with, had "unleaded gas only" on the gas gauges. Because I put a motor in mine that came from an emissions vehicle, (there was a sticker on the valve cover), this @#$%^ state made me put a restricter in the fuel filler and a catalyic converter on the exhaust. I took a piece of 14 ga metal, drilled a hole in it the same size as the gas nozzle, cut it long enough to span the filler tube, cut a slot in each end of the tube, slid the plate in, and welded the edges back up.