Anyone see the newest Car Craft? It has a article about building a stroker for $999 (in parts) Has anyone used what they are using? I have 2 freshly machined 302 blocks, waiting for me to do something...
Yes, I just got that issue the other day. I think the $999 refers to the cost of the stroker kit and nothing else.
999 for just the eagle rotating assembly, which is still a decent price. Another $600 for the other parts and tools, before labor. Still, $1500 to make my 308 into a 347. But that is without machine work, and I thought you had to go .030 over to get the 347...
Yep, it says bore=4.030. Not sure how to get that without hiring someone to do machine work on it. Car Craft says that their 302 was "refreshed" in the November '07 issue, so I bet it got it's .030 bore at that time. So add a bit more to the total cost.
I'll dig up the 07 issue, I don't think it was bored .030..... Still $999 for just the rotating assembly is cheap..