I've been thinking about this a while and I don't know. If I were to build a custom, ratrod, whatever and wanted to put two dually rear ends under the back how could I link them to put power to both rear ends like you would a big rig.
Yeah. I think it would look good but what's form without function. It would be like adding speakers to a car and never running the wires
very interesting considering the black and white 4 door maverick with the 400 big block is almost done. guessing i could put it across the scales later
If you do this on a ratrod of such,,, 99.99% of the time the ONLY function of your tandem axle will be looks,,,
if you do that chances are you wont have enough weight on the front end. this will cause steering problems. have you ever tried to move a tandom axle trailer by hand and try turning it. it binds. those two rear ends with wheels and tires will be well over 1000 lbs. to over come 1000 lbs on 8 tires all pointed the same direction is very hard to do.
It's too bad the big three never made a non-commercial tandem axel truck. Seems only the big semis had the dual-drive rear axels set-ups, and they're really too heavy for street applications Would work well with a monster truck though
I found an 80's Ford medium/heavy truck shop manual that had the 2sp rear axles in it. I have a friend who wants to install one in his F450. I thought that was a stretch. Tandems are a little over the top for me.