My daily is a 93 civic with 109,000 on it. A couple weeks ago while in the jacks drivethru I noticed it was running hot. I park in the parking lot and go to food world because I figured it was low on water. I let it cool down for about 15 minutes. I take the cap off and hot coolant came out. I managed to get maybe a quart of water in it. I drove it home and it has been fine until today. As I was pulling out of walmart I noticed it was running hot. It was raining so I decided to ease it home. Once I get going it drops back to normal in about a mile. I stop at a red light and it starts getting hotter. Once I get going it will go back down. I am wondering what might be wrong. I thought that possibly the thermostat was sticking. I sure am ready to be able to get a 94-95 5.0 stang cause I'm tired of this pos. Any help would be appreciated
I went out and checked the radiator. It held maybe a quart. I figure I might have a leak somewhere so I will put some stop leak in it. I am now wondering why it will overheat at idle but cool off at driving speed
it would make sense for it to cool down after driving because the fan is cooling it down and you are moving. I'm assuming on a civic you have an electronic fan, maybe it's not kickin in when it should (as mentioned above). If you are losing coolant then that's the main problem.
Sounds like the fan is not running. Does it have one or two fans? Try turning on the AC if equipped, the fans should run with the AC on.