I've been looking around for a new/used, Pin Spotter/Stud Welder for awhile now, I have some dents on my project that I can't get from behind. Then today, I get this email from Eastwood, so I ordered one, and we'll see how it works. http://www.eastwood.com/mig-stud-welding-kit.html
That is cool. Would be interested to play with it. I do have a stud welder, but I can't remember the last time I used it.
I'll tell you for sure in a few days, I can't see why it wouldn't my old Miller and my new Lincoln have the same tip.
It got here today, and it fits! I worked late, had to pick up my pick up from the dealer, and visit the last cruise night at one of my favorites, so I didn't get a chance to try it out yet, hopefully this weekend!!