Alright I have an 80's 302 which requires the 50oz flywheel. I am trying to put my 71 250 C-4 behind this motor. I went to the Speed Shop today and they gave me a 50oz 157 tooth flywheel that is suppose to be for an early model 302 HO? When I got home I put the plate that goes behind the flywheel and holds the starter on (don't know what its called) and then the flywheel. At the time I didn't rotated the flywheel to see if it hit anything I just went ahead and lifted the tranny into place and started bolting it up. I got the 4 converter bolts started and then about 4 tranny to motor bolts started when I noticed that my flywheel weight was hitting the plate between the flywheel and the motor. I'm not sure if they gave me the wrong flywheel or I just need some spacers behind the one I have or what??? if anyone knows what's goin on feel free to key me in thanks in advance Will
I have the same problem. It's getting better now that something has worn off in there. The balance weight is so large that it hits the block protector plate for some reason. I think they made it a bit too large, but others have not had this problem. Dont really know a good way to fix it, other than remove the plate. Oh, and yes...I have done this, and it hurt nothing. I'm sure others will ring in on this one. Although, I did have to put one on the Bracket mav to space the powerglide back a little bit away from the flexplate some...there was only about 1/8" before, now its got about a 1/4". I was worried that it might put a bit too much stress on the converter, the pump, and the thrust surface of the crankshaft.
plate so it shouldn't hurt anything to just pull the plate?? I haven't had time yet yo pull it back out hopefully tomorrot. thanks Wililam