Here's the deal. I've been told that in order to use my 83 302 with my 72 C-4, I'll need to get a special flexplate/flywheel. But, the guy that I got my motor from had the engine mated to an AOD. When the AOD went out, he switched to a C-4(not sure what year model C-4). He didn't change the flywheel, and it worked fine. Now I'm really confused. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks, Preston :confused:
If it has the flexplate on it that the guy you got it from used I would just bolt it in, If you are still not sure check the flexplate to see if it has AOD stamped on it somewhere and then measure the bolt holes across from one another and if it measures 11.4" or 10.5" bolt your C-4 to it and go. My Maverick had the larger bellhousing and flexplate stock with the 11.4" pattern. just remember that the only difference is the amount of couterweight on the flexplate itself so if he used the same flexplate with a C-4 you should be able to also. Just don't try to use a '72 flexplate with a '83 motor. Good luck.