One of my 7.3 PSD vans (1997) with 240k miles... I was driving this AM, pulling a trailer, and came up to a red light. The light changed green while I was still moving, maybe 15-20 mph, so I kept moving and made a right turn at the intersection. Pretty normal stuff. As the van made the turn and I straightend out, it bucked and surged for a split second. Then the trans started operating really goofy. Almost as if everything was working backwards... Instead of upshifting at part throttle, it downshifted and kept the rpms up, would not shift. Then when I put my foot to the floor, instead of downshifting, it did the opposite and upshifted to 4th, bogging the engine as I was only doing about 20 mph at this point. Then I let off the throttle again, lo and behold, it downshifts to 1st and runs the rpms way up again. It acted bass-ackwards like this for about 2 miles. Then I made a left turn and stopped to pick up an employee... At this point it started slipping. Rpm, but not much go. I came to a complete stop, and it rev'd way up when I started to go again, but didn't pull hard at all. Then, just as sudden as it started acting up, it cleared right up. Tranny fluid full. No leaks. Original tranny, all 240k. Fluid changed very regular. Fluid clear and only slightly darkened red. No smell. Very large cooler. Temp gauge reads 160* without trailer, 200* with trailer. 20,000# GVW with trailer (rated) Probably more like 14,000# actual with trailer as normally loaded. I was thinking that maybe one of the many electrical connections could have jarred loose when I made that corner at the light, then made reconnection at some point later. ??? Could that be it, or does something stand out that makes you think it is mechanical? I have several trucks/vans with the E4OD, and am well aware how crappy a tranny they are from the factory. Frankly, the fact that this tranny has made 240k miles so far amazes me. All of my other E4ODs have been changed 2 or 3 times. I'd love to see this tranny make another 240k, but it is starting to look unlikely. Thanks! Dave
Did you notice if your speedometer started acting up at the same time??? If so it could be a bad speed sensor.I agree with you on the electrical gremlin theory.Look for a loose connection or frayed wire at the harness plug on the left side of the trans where the gear selsctor/quadrant hooks up.Pull the connector and look for corrosion on the pins.Thats where I would start if you dont have a scan tool.Good luck!!!