i have been trying to get my new engine running cool by trying to get all air out of my cooling system,something just hasnt been working right i couldnt figure out whats going on,keeps running hot and the heater hose from the intake is so hot u cant touch it at all, i pulled the thermo housing off this morning to check the thermo in boiling hot water to make sure its opening properly and i found a oak tree acorn plugging the return hose opening in the thermo housing, havent went to buy more coolant yet but i bet this is my problem,dont know how it got in there blows my mind,but i do have alot of trees and acorns around my house
being a sealed and pressurized system there shouldn't be anything in there but...distilled water and antifreeze... it must have been open to the elements at one time...
No I was joking and meant the acorn, but I always drill a 1/8" hole in thermostat to aid in getting air out. Good call
anywhere around the perimeter of the unit that falls short of the seating area. Or.. just buy one that already has the jiggle valve pre-installed and be done with it.
ok i went to the parts house and bought anew thermo with the jiggle valve and now my car runs at 180 no more over heating,now just gotta figure out whats wrong with my tranny
Perhaps the squirrle that worked on you engine messed with the transmission too. I find black walnuts stuffed into suspension components all the time around here...Squirrles...