I hope this is not old news, but yesterday I found a Grabber Green '70 Grabber at Wal Mart, and I see there is a blue one on E-bay. Has anyone seen any other colors? Sizes? Happy Holidays! Shawn
Saw a green grabber on this a site a while ago, i went to walmart yesterday but all they had were 30 pacers and 3 MII and one lonely yellow mav...dont know what i'm going to do with this one...i also picked up a torino cobra model...sould keep me busy untill i get parts to work on the mav.
I cant find any mavericks here now... guess i bought them all My kids lost my yellow one (my fault for letting them play with it) but I have 2 white, and a red one... then then i have 2 JL white grabbers. Id like to get the blue and green ones and also another yellow one
just bought me a green grabber at wal-mart about 30 minutes ago. i wasnt aware of the new colors and when i found it i freaked i was very very excited
my wal mart only had the red grebber, just one. there were also new colors for the pintos. I also picked up the new gremlin X version that just came out in red. still no signs of 1:24 mav, thought they might have been put out for black friday, guess not
Just picked up another white and another yellow one at walmart the other day. I'll be looking out for the new colors.
did a wally world trip today. they restocked the 1/64 cherries and i found the blue grabber, it was one of the 2 blue ones there but no other colors. they also restocked the 1/24 brown and green pintos but still no big mavericks!
I picked up two green grabbers at wally world this past Friday (one to leave in packaging and the other to play with ) Those were that last two they had, so I made trip to another wal-mart today and they didnt have any at all!