I recently put a JVC radio (halfway in) my Maverick, although the original power wires don't work and the other wires were taped, sautered and anything else you could think of to hold them on to the original radio (drunk had it and tried to fix it). I'm not sure if this wire was supposed to be there, but it's a white one that looks like it's caulked to the fuse box, which incedentily is the only wire that gives me power. Well we changed fuses (being the pain that it is), and somehow my headlights stopped working. The lights are fine, the fuses all work, and I don't see how I could of hit any wires at all. Any idea what I could of done? I know I'm not the smartest when it comes to cars so don't make fun of me if it's simple.
:Handshake. ..first check for your...sense-of-humor... you will need one to mess with that "fuse box"... i would start by checking the power going to the light switch... bad dimmer switch...wire disconnected... can do the same thing. click it and see if the headlights come on.... ...Frank...
That wire that gives you power from the Fuse box (guessing here) might be the acc hookup, where the optional rear defogger was hooked up to and some other things that you want to add instead of stealing power from the original setup and fuses, just a thought... but I remember reading about a small metal thingy that fits in the fusebox just for the above purposes but it´s rarely there... Good Luck!!!! Robert.
might want to invest in a 12 volt test light will help eliminate a lot of headaches when tracing wiring, if you look around in this section there are some great sites that guys put on here for wiring and fuse panels, they will help alot. the lights are cheap to expensive but worth every penny.