well we have the 302 in! lotsa stuff left to be done though. one issue we are having is the gas pedal issue. i read that i need to trade up to a later year. i am using one from my now defunct 75. my question is this: i also saved the accellerator cable but it doesn't seem to want to just go in without a fight. before i declare war, is there a trick to making it work? it seems to be too long. thanks
scott, i used my 6cyl. cable. "a suggestion from mavaholic", i put the loop in it but it was no biggy. it just didn't want to go in a new direction but once it looped it stayed...frank...
well guys- i am the proud (but frustrated) owner of 3 v8 accellerator cables, i cut the cable from my 200 rather than hassle with it. the v8 cable seems 2 inches too long.
For a cable in my '70 with a 302 I went to the local Ford dealer and they let me look around in their stockroom for a shorter cable. I found one but I don't know what it's intended for. After running that for a number of years I just bought a Lokar universal cable from Summit or Jegs for about $25. You cut it to the length yoou need. A lot of street rodders use them. Haven't installed it yet but it looks nice, aluminum fittings, teflon lined.
well... a lil angle iron and a couple bolts and i winged it until i find the right bracket. thanks for the help and input!