We have a '74 Comet in the Hollywood area that needs a mechanic that can solve some basic problems. Seems to run fine until at highway speeds, then bogs down and sputters and can't maintain speed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Happened to me after I first bought my car. Gas tank had a fair amount of rust/sediment inside. It would plug up the fuel filter at the carburetor and not allow enough fuel into the bowl. At idle, there was enough fuel coming into the bowl to allow the car to run, but at highway speeds, fuel consumption was higher than the rate the bowl was allowed to fill via the plugged filter. It started at around 60mph, but after a day or so, I was limping along at almost 45mph. Quick, cheap and easy to check/replace filter, but if it is clogged with crap, you'll have to clean/replace the tank, blow the lines clear and likely clean/rebuild the carb. Of course, it could be a bunch of other things, but that was my own personal experience. Good Luck!
I 2nd Paul's diagnosis! I had the same thing happen to a '73 Comet GT that I bought years ago. I ended up putting two of the clear style fuel filters on it and it would still act up. Finally had to remove the gas tank and replaced it with another and then cleaned out the fuel lines and rebuilt the carb and the car ran well.