A few years back I had some desoto parts mostly engines and these were hot selling items because of the sizes 292 I think was cubic inch or close.Has anyone tried or seen one in a comet or maverick.I found another one with trans for 200 bucks. might try to get it for investment even if it would not fit.seems to me the guys that bought mine had chevys I cant remember thanks Eric pops car desoda cola
I also got was wondering about (most of it race set up already)1977 mustang II car parts factory v8 4speed interchanging with 76 mavericks or comets. Ill learn how to spell chrystler dodge desoto hemi before long
ok thanks dave the mustang has new race seats and roll cage ready to put in something else even a 302 4speed with rear end the interior is shot
That Desoto Hemi is one heavy/big ol monster...Thats ALOT of cast iron.Great if your building an old gasser or front engined rail...
we had a 331 hemi with tranny and that was the heaviest motor we have ever had. I mild 347 would run circles around most of the early hemis