I'm wondering what on earth makes people think they're an electrician?? This is the second car that I've had where the wires are fubar'd. The mav on the passenger side has three wires going to the headlight and theyre hooked up, but on the drivers side theres 6 wires goin to the headlight, only three are hooked up. When the mav was operational I could hit the floor switch and only have brights, either way. Sorry just had to rant...
hmmmm Let me know when you find out. They must be the same people who paint interior walls gloss blue, and paint bricks red and white. There are a lot of mickey mousers out there. I have been restoring my house I bought 6 months ago for some time, and it is simply amazing at the crap some people do.
My answer to your question is that simply it is the person who will not take time to learn about the job he wants to accomplish and just goes about it with out any reason except to try to get it fixed/changed to accomplish his desied goal. Then gets hopelessly into confusion when it doesn't work. These are the same people who will spend $400 on stereo componants but won't do any repairs that are needed on the car and complain when it breaks down.