I am getting a new vinal top put on the mav on the 1st, there is a small dent on the roof though and I want it to be perfect. I think that a light bonk with a rubber mallet from the other side will pop it right out. The problem is that the dent is in a crappy location. It is above the driver rear vent window up on the top part of the roof toward the back. I will post a pic ASAP. Is there any way to take my headliner partially out without needing to replace window rubber? Any other idea's for pulling the dent? It is a small dent with no dramatic edges. Thanks, RudyD
A cheap solution might be to get a suction-type dent puller. Harbor Freight has one for $5. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=40993 You might also consider putting a seft-tapping sheet metal screw in the middle of the dent to pull it out, then smooth it over (if it's going to be hidden by the vinyl). Or, Harbor Freight has a device based on that theory. Those are also cheap ( not necessarily 'inexpensive'). Good Luck, Rick
If the dent is really small, a rubber mallet, or suction cup may not work, be careful trying to push it out. I started some paintless ding removal lessons once, and you can do a lot of damage, I would suggest going to one of those paintless ding removal places and paying them a few bucks.
RudyD I guess I should clarify my definition of small. The dent is about the size of a softball, very shallow though.