Heater Core 96 E150 Well I am working an hour from home next two days. Last night my windows started steaming up and I got a slight wiff of antifreeze. Must just be a pinhole...for now. If it makes a difference I have the rear AC/heat as well. The heater box looks easy enough to get into but the heater hoses look like a nighmare to get the tool in there to disconnect. Has anyone rplaced a heater core (front) in one of these? any tips? I guess it's too much to ask that they make a fitting where I could disconnect the hoses and put them together to bypass the heater core until I get more time to do the replacement. I'll be heading up to Napa in a few to see what the tool looks like and get a core. My problem is I have to be at my job at 11 so I have to leave at 10 and won't be home till almost 11 tonight then back at that job by 9am tomorrow morning. Saturday eve is the first chance I'll have to put more then 15 minutes into it. Is there a special procedure for refilling after a heater core replacement on these vans? Thanks for any and all info Dave