Okay!! I have never been good at puzzles and my memory is terrible. To top that I lost my laptop in a theft in FL last year. Yep, all 270+ of my tear down and resto pics, gone. So, can anyone send me pics of the pulley and belt drive setups for stock configurations. I am posting a pic of mine, and where I am so far. Corrections appreciated as well as your assistance. Thank you. Seth
my engine compartment is buried and very dirty. if someone else doesn't chime in, I will uncover it and snap a few pictures. Let me know if you don't get any other pics, and I will do that for you.
It sure looks like your alternater is set up correctly. Mine has AC, and I would have to tear a lot of stuff off to shoot pics.
I believe I saw an expansion valve sticking out of your firewall so you must have factory air. I dont know if you have power steering but if so, this is a stock set up for both.
Thanks, Dennis. The thing that has me scratching my head is this. The pulley for the alternator is not aligned directly with the from lower pulley assembly. I know that older small blocks have the alt. attached directly to the outside bolt hole on the passenger side cylinder head. I have the original spacer mounted and I am using the triangular type piece of cast metal that has three bolt holes. This aligns the alt. in the middle of the cylinder head as well as holds the oil dipstick, and the three hole triangular metal piece that supports the alt. on the waterpump is aligned. It's got me wondering several things: 1) is the alt. correct. The other one is gone now. 2) is the water pump right 3) or do I have stuff all out of whack. 4) also, I had to swap the pulley on the new alt. It was double row pulley. I had a spare and had it powder coated. Maybe it is not the correct height. I shouldn't have turned the the other one in for a core. Yes I do have A/C and P/S. Haven't gotten there yet and the A/C will not be installed until next year. Still scratching my head. I'll figure it out. Thank you very much for the pics. Seth
The alt should line up with the center crank pully. Your alt set up sure looks correct. Is it too far foward or back? I would hang the power steering pump and see if that aligns with rear crank pully . Once again, is that foward or back? Then how is it in relation to the water pump pully?
Back It's too far back. It lines up in the center of the back two pulley slots. Thanks for the pics. Seth
I'd hang the ps pump and see if its also too far back. If so then its probably the crank pully. If it lines up, then you'll have to space the alt out some.