Well, I went for a bike ride yesterday evening and stopped at Toys R Us to check on the Maverick Grabbers. Sure enough, I found two of them in a lose pile of many other hot wheels on a shelf! So I took them happily to the check out. At that time I realized I forgot my wallet!! So I buried them and quickly took my bike home. I got my wallet, drove the Fusion back and yes the Mavericks were still there! So now there mine! I'm happy to have them. Isn't if funny, at 53 years old I am still riding my bike and looking at toys. Life is good!
lol yeh I'm 49 and when I was rifling through the hotwheels at my local walmart like a hobo on a ham sandwich I had a mother and son look at me like I was crazy. Sooo the funny part was my dear wife was standing there patiently waiting as I said (with perfect timing I might ad) Mommy can I get 2 please please please... Wife shakes her head as I smiled she must hate me at times like these Just don't let them catch you driving them on your desk and making zoom zoom noises lol
I always take my brother with me and i pretend that im buying them for him... i'm only 20 and even i feel weird digging tough the toy section
Pretty much the same thing here, except I am only 38, my wife HELPs me look, then shakes her head in disbelief when I buy all 8 of them!
I am 54, still into eletric trains,slotcars, models,bicycles,hotwheels, any old toy I had as a kid I look for, just the other day got 2 indy eldon slot cars off of ebay like the ones I had back in mid 60s, they were in perfect condition, when I unwraped them I just started laughing, they were smaller than I remembered but holding them it all came back, I still hit the toy dept at stores, I don't want to grow up!
I hate when i go to a walmart looking for them and there is a hot girl there with her little brother, then i just pass through and wait for her to leave so i dont look like an idiot.
ditto on that ... but seriously being 40 and still into toys doesn't seem to be a bad thing to me. my wife doesn't get it, but does realize there are worse hobbies.... or should i say more expensive. i am just not into pasture pool or running thru the woods killing things :16suspect just re-living my childhood .... or did it ever end?
I too seem to end up in the toy dept. freqently. If I need a excuse I can use the fact that I have 4 grankids. Haven't needed it though because I don't really care what they think. No wife to listen to complain so when I see one I want, I buy it.
I'm 59 and I always go to the toy section looking for hot wheels. I have a huge collection of hot wheels over the years. My wife just laughs & tells me I'm just like a kid...LOL I am a kid at heart. That's why I like toys & fast old cars...