I've looked all over the thing, and I can't figure out how to get the darn thing out. I know the radio in it isn't the original (The original is in the trunk) What should I look for to help me get it out? I don't want to crack or break my dash goofing with it. I want to take it out and put in a newer one of course. Plus I'd like to see if the stereo system works at all. I need to remove the head unit because not all the wires are connected at the back anymore. Any help would be appreciated....
i had the sneaking suspicion that was the case when I hit the submit button. I'll have them up tomorrow.
You will have to take the lower part of the dash off that has the glove box (be very careful when doing so as they are very easy to break) Then if it has the original bezel there should be two screws that hold the bezel in and there is also a metal strap that bolts to the rear of the radio to support it too. Then comes the wiring and that all just depends on how the previous owner wired it up. If there is more info you need just let me know. :Handshake
Well....the pics are attached below. 1- The current head unit in the dash. 2- those pesky wires hanging out from under my dash. 3- Here is this one screw under the dash below the stereo what is this for? 4- Showing how much wiggle room the current head unit has. I can get it to budge, but it won't come out. 5- Up under the dash i can see the unit is just sitting on that green plastic thing. I can't get it to move "forward" and come out. Is there a tab I need to push or something? I can't figure out what's holding it in. I think the "bezel" around the unit is after-market. If more pics are needed, tell me what I need to show in a pic and I'll go take it.
How would I take that part of the dash off? Are there screws? I'm not going to take a crack at it until the sun comes up (It's 1:08 AM here.) but I'll check back for your reply before I go look again.
The screw under the radio is one that is used to hold on the lower dash. Here is your pic showing you where the screws for the bezel are and from what I can tell it looks like a stock bezel to me. The screws for it are under the green part of the dash where the arrows are. But to do a radio install correctly you will more than likely have to remove it.
From what I can remember there are some screws under the bottom side (5-6 I think) and then you have to remove the glove box door (2 screws) and the glove box liner (4 screws) and then there are some screws near the radio bezel and a few more where the glove box door closes. I think thats all to take off the lower dash but I couldnt be sure without taking a second look. Just take your time and make sure you have every screw out that needs to be before trying to pull it out.
Got it. I'll take a crack at it after I wake up. I'll post back if I have any more problems/When I have the unit removed. Thanks for the help, Cole!
Easy: Pull the radio knobs off. You will see some "nuts" behind where the knobs were. Either use a deep socket to get at them or a pair of neddle nose pliers. Take those nuts off both sides and the radio should slide right out the back. No need to remove the lower glove box assembly if all you want to do is remove the radio. Now if you want to remove the bezel.....then the lower dash assembly will have to come out.