I feel bad for him too. I don't even know what to say. Poor guy should just put the tools down and never go near a hood latch again. WOW.
He could jsut go to some adult ed. course in yhe local H.S. He'd leaqrn how to chNGE OIL ETC. ALSO WHERE TO GETR HELP WITH HIS FUTURE WORK. <dAmn caps lock>
that poor kid destroyed a very nice car.... i dunno if i wanna feel sorry for him or just give him a smack on the back of the head, lol
It's a hoax. Read it to the last page...... First - how many of you have ever drained oil for over 10 minutes? Last - who would even consider running water through an engine... much less while it was running?
It could take 10 minutes if you literally wait for every single last drop to come out. It keeps dripping for quite a while after most of the oil comes out. As for the later, probably the same kind of people that will hold a spark plug wire while you tell them, here hold this while I crank it over and let me know if it has spark.
I agree w/ the first one on the oil draining for 10 minutes, I've let mine sit for about 30 minutes before while I took a break and it was dripping very slowly when I came back. And what's wrong w/ holding a spark plug wire? lol I've held them to the header/exhaust manifold a trillion times w/ a plug grounded onto them. lol
Now remove the plug, and don't ground it on anything. Hold it in your bare hand, and have someone crank it over. I think you'll find out rather quickly what's wrong with it. Or just ask M.A.V. about his recent bout with Frank's MSD, I hear it was a rather shocking experience.
im pretty conviced this guy is a hoax. i read the other 2 posts of his that was referenced. its just too out there to be real. but man its funny. i really appriceat this site. the people here would never give bs advice like that and are really nice. mad props to the mav/comet comunity.