OMG i heard some girgling sound under the dash, sounded like water running. Well i thought the antifreeze might be low so i took the cap off and this is what i saw. It was dark brown. I took a screw driver and stuck it in there and pulled it out. It was really thick and looked like snot. I pulled some out just pulling out the screw driver. Anybody have any ideas? The heads where supposed to be redone............
Any chance incompatible anti-freezes were mixed? They can make a brown mud that can clog the cooling system.
Are you talking about your Maverick? or something else? Maybe you just need to flush your cooling system.
On the mixing antifreeze im not sure ive only had the truck 3weeks. Not the mav its my 98 f150 4.6 i just bought.
What I would do is, drain the radiator, reinstall plug, pull the thermostat, Disconect upper radiator hose, and put a garden hose into the raiator and fill it up. Start truck and let the water pump flush out the sytstem with fresh water by pulling water from radiator (your garden hose supplying it), it will push it through system and out the upper hose. Keep water pressure low enough so you can just let the water run in and pump push it out constantly flowing. Do this until water looks nice and clear, and you believe al the garbage is fushed out. Keep an eye on temp gauge, but you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Re install a NEW thermostat, and reconnect radiator hose. Than put a couple bottles of rad flush in and top off with distilled water. Run it for 4-500 miles. Reflush system and put in your prefered blend of correct coolant and distilled water.
Well this is what i've done. I drained the resvour and cleaned it with gas 4 times to get all the stuff out of it. I put cleaner in it and now im gonna run it for a few days. I still here the girgling sound under the dash. Hopefully the cleaner will get the heater core cleaned out. We will see.
these trucks are notorious for heater cores..... not saying thats ur problem or anything, just keep it in mind lol
You may be right we was thinking the same thing. I would rather it be that than the motor. I guess time will tell.
did you drain/flush the rad./block before adding the cleaner? you will also need to turn the heater on while flushing/cleaning...
The stuff i bought said i needed to run it for 3 to 6 hours over several days if i had to for it to work right. So i just romoved the resovior cleaned it was gas (3 or 4 times) to get the stuff out. To be honest with you i put water in it first and water just run over this stuff with no effect. So im hoping the cleaner will cut this stuff first then i will drain the system. If i have to i will run another bottle of the cleaner threw it. I don't no this is a new one on me what this stuff is. I guess what im trying to say is no i didn't drain it yet. I assumed i would need the cleaner to do its job first.
COOL... the stuff i used just asked that it be brought up to operating temp. then drain. I would be a little cautious about driving with this stuff in the radiator. if it breaks that slime loose it could stop up the rad./heatercore. ...JMO...