Looking for Mighty Maverick I am always keeping my eyes open at the flea markets I go to, and I search every bin with cars in it, hoping to find a hidden Mighty Maverick. So Far no luck. I was just wondering were I would find one, and if you have any for sale, let me know. Thanks.
Hot Wheels Maverick I found a couple on ebay. I also go to model shows. There are usually Hot Wheel venders there. Orginal red line Hot Wheels Mighty Mavericks in good shape are expansive, espically on the orginal card unopened. I have 3 of them and 1 of the new ones thet just came out. I gave $35 for it. You can buy or subcribe to Scale Model Magazine and other model car magizanes. They list upcoming shows and other events. They also list independant people selling things. Hopfully, there is something in your area. If you can find at least one dealer they can usually get you what you want. Good Luck! Joe