Hi I know alot of you Collect Old Maverick Models and Promo Cars. How many Org Promo Cars in Mavericks were made Years, and Colors. I think just a original 1970 release car was made in a promo car? I have 3 now Red, Tan ,Green. ,what were the others offered? Like to see some Pictures of collections on the Board. Thanks, Kirk
I have 2 different colors of green, a dark green Mav, and a light green Comet, and a goldish Maverick with the box that it came in. There was an offer from Ford, that you could send $1 and get a promo in the mail.
I have a lime green Comet. The Mavericks are: blue,vermillion(red), harvest gold, antiestablishment green, tan, and rose. I am going to do a story about this soon.