First thier Original Topper Mad Maverick - now Tom Daniels Mean Maverick!! This will go great with the 1/12 model I have of it!! Dan
They have been out since about 2 weeks before Christmas.....looks to be the same color as my car....almost.
I found 2 of them in a local walmart yesterday. There are 3 different versions. 1 with plain black tires, 1 with white lettering tires, & 1 called white lightning which has a white bottom and white wheels.
I got two mean Mavs today one to put up and one to play with. The Meijer's i went to today had about ten of them, cool now i just got to get a real one.
THACKS (Hackmans) influance That is Jeff Kochs motivation at Johnny Lighting... ex HOT ROD magazine guy. See THACK your car had some influance on him.. and i guess i bugged him enough day and day out to make a maverick!
wish i could find a maverick!!!! i've been looking everywhere for a jhonny lightning or some sort've car everywhere here....i've looked at 3 different walmart stores and 1 target even a local hobby shop but no one seems to know anything ...please help.......~dan~ email is
johnny lightning! I just bought 2 of the "mean mavericks" at our local wal-mart,one with black wall tires and one with white letter good years(this ones stayin in the package, I also bought one a couple yrs. ago called "mad maverick" hence my name..this one also is a johnny lightning, dark green with the ass lifted and two engines one in front and one in rear,the detailing is not nearly as nice as the new one,anyone else ever see this one??
Ya the MAD MAV is i belive a repo of the original from the 70's. Theres a few original ones on ebay kinda pricey
White bottom, white wheels?? I have one with plain black, one with white letter...Has anyone found the one with a white bottom and white wheels in a store or have a pic they can share?? thanks!
There's one on ebay right now (the white lightning mean maverick with the white wheels and bottom). I'm not sure when it ends, might be today..