Figure I would break in the new Audio area.bananaman I have a set of kick panels with the speaker grilles in them and was wondering what speaker sizes you guys and gals have installed behind them. I currently have 4 inch speakers in standard kick panels but just don't get enough out of them. Looking to go larger, 6.5's?
Here's what I put in my 74 behind the factory speaker grill kick panels. You need to get as thin a speaker as possible or it will not fit behind the kick panel because the door hinge bolts are in the way. Also ... the 5 1/4 speakers listed above lined up with the factory screw holes for mounting ...
Thanks Dan I remember asking you this before but I could not find your response message. I want to try to get 6 1/2's to work. Infinity makes a 6 1/2 shallow mount (1 7/8 deep)
1 7/8 would probably hit the bolts - these are 1 1/2 and they are pretty close to hitting ... you could either shave down the door hinge bolts or put a small spacer between the speaker and firewall if you had to so you should be OK.
Put in 5.25 inch Infinity Kappas. Good fit and pretty close match to the factory sheet metal openings.
I have used both 6 1/4 and 6 1/2 inch speakers in that location. As long as they are a "shallow mount" speaker, you'll be just fine!! Good luck and say hello to the family for me! Preston