Hey guys, I know ya'll will be able to help me with this. I see alot of info about swapping an auto to manual, but not the other way around. I am looking at doing this on a Mav for what will be my daughter's everyday driver. This is a 70 maverick 250, with 3 spd manual that I might buy if the tranny swap isn't to bad. I have never messed with transmissions, so I am looking to find out what I'm in for if I try this. The car is really nice looking, and the tranny is the only thing my daughter doesn't like (she says it has to be an automatic!). Also where is a good place for after-market a/c systems? (it doesn't hav a/c either) Thanks guys!
OOO NO. Don't get rid of the manual. It's a nice piece. Especially for a 70 with a 250. If she wants an auto, find her a different car for the mav's sake. Just IMO you shouldnt do that to that mav. -Todd
find her one already equipped with an auto tranny.if that 70 is all orig.with a 250 and standard,it would be a shame to chop it up.find her an automatic and get that one for yourself.
I agree with the others find her another Mav one that already has an Automatic and A/C it would be much cheaper on you not to mention those manuals are classics. I have a 71 Grabber w/3 speed manual,. only tranny swap I might consider for it would be changing to a better manual transmission maybe a T5 .
Naaa, go ahead and do it. These cars have little collectible value. I would find a junked car to get everything you need. Basically you would need everything between the back of the motor to the drive shaft. You would also need the column if you want to make it a column shifted car and all the linkage. You can swap out the pedal assembly while you have the column out. Its really not too hard of a job. One piece of advise though, (voice of experienced here) most teens have very little appreciation for classic cars. Most think cars are just transportation. That is a very nice looking car in the picture and I would think twice before giving it up. You can also sell the manual shift stuff and get some of your money back.