Maverick Fountain!

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by RudyD, Jul 31, 2002.

  1. RudyD

    RudyD Pretend Mechanic.

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Ft. Collins, Colorado
    1970 Maverick.
    Today after driving a little ways across town I pulled up to my brothers house and shut off the mav. After turning it off I could hear a high pitch shrill coming from the back of my car, I went to investigate and found the noise to be coming from the gas cap area. I figured there was just a vacuum from the rubber peice of the gas cap not letting air in so I opened it. About a gallon and a half of fuel sprayed out at me (not exagerating) and shot about two feet out. The pressure was enough to spray the cap out of my unsuspecting hand and toss it six feet. After a couple long seconds it died down and I put the cap back on and let out a long string of curses. This is a first for me and I was wondering if anyone knows why this happened. The other day I filled up the mav with 85 octane unleaded so there was a full tank, I know stuff expands when hot (a little over 100 fahrenheit here) but this seems a bit extreme for it to be that. Any ideas as to why my mav has become a super soaker 3000.
  2. BlackMav

    BlackMav Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    yea my car did that awhile back....i thought mine was the gas cap but further inspection and the inside of my filler tube had fallen and was not allowing the tank to let air escape and when you go to fill up or release the cap it would spew everywhere....i parked on a very small hillwhen i found out...because it was dribbling out of the cap leaking on the ground and when i took off the gas cap it was a cursing occassion....

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