Well, I've been looking for a part number for the AMP switch for the dash. The problem is the Amp comes from a 2-channel system out of a 1984 Mustang. The Premium Sound radio comes out of a 1984 Cougar. I've got the wiring diagram to install the 1984 into a 1978-to-1980 Fairmont. That's not the issue. The issue is that the 2-channel amp can be modified into a 4-channel amp, but the AMP switches appear to be different. The 1984 is an ON/OFF 2-wire switch. The 1979 is a block-buster beast, according to the 1979 to 1983 Fairmont/Zephyr manuals, but there's no picture or reference to the Switch numbers. All I want to know is if it needs a two-wire switch or the octopus switch from 1979. and what part number I should look for. It would start off with either D9F4-1XXXXX-XXX, E0F4-1XXXXX-XXX or E3F4 or E3F4-etcetera. The later ones, after 1986, went on with the radio switch. Now, don't raz me about upgrading to a new, improved upgrade. These radios go for $350 to $575, without the AMP! And they're used! For my little wagon, that's just fine. I like two knobs on my radios and... :evilsmile Now for the Maverick and other 1970 Ford goodies: http://www.perogie.com/index.html Unfortunately, the Maverick parts are here, under Other Parts (No respect) : http://www.perogie.com/other.htm
Got the Switch Part Number from my local Ford Dealer: D9ZZ-18B853-A. This is for 1979 to 1982 Farimonts and other Fox cars. From 1983 the switch changed to a 2-wire switch. So far, Haynes seem to have the best wiring diagrams in the Fairmont/Zephyr manual, showing the change in Premium Sound wiring and switch layout diagrams.
I had a 1980 Thunderbird with the Premium Sound System and the amp switch. Had a spare stereo and amp switch. Not sure if I still have it or not.
Do you remember if it had 2 wires or a big block of 8 from the Amp, 7 to the speakers and 5 from the radio? This switch is the one for my car - it amps up all four channels. The other just the 2 rear channels.
Yes it was a push/pull amp switch, don't recall what the bezel looked like though. I had a complete setup, stereo, amp and switch. I will look around for it, probably won't be until the weekend though.
Oh! I was looking around for some extra wiring info and stumbled on this site, FULL of free schematic and wiring/car manuals from all over the world (a useful aspect of the internet and why we pay for the connections - payback ) http://www.ebooksquad.com/category/automotive/ford This links to Ford only documents (over 1000 at 10 per page (106), but most other brands are there too. Tip: Right click the article for a new page, then right click the blue download button on that page. It often takes you to the source site. Then clean-back the URL address and see if they have more files! I found a great Amp DIY on there too (circuits don't scare me - I was a Mech-Tech in the Army): http://www.ebooksquad.com/search/amplifier+circuit