sorry fellas....didn't mean to cause problems....just wondering if people r doing til i die
i actually like GMs but i gotta tell you, chevys really bore me. if played out ever had a more fitting definition, it would be the SBC throw an oldsmobile in it, theyre GM's best engines anyway
a 302 is tight enough,the chevy is wider,the pan sump is wrong,and with 302 based engines capable of 500 plus hp,why bother??
Believe it or not, the swap has actually 'been done to death'! We just don't talk about it much around here.
Well, my father use to buy GM cars, since a 64 opel, 66, 67, until 72 Chevelle. Those were speed, nice and very comfortables. I have no brand preference, I've had Volks Wagen, Dodge, Chrysler, Renault, Ford, GM, AMC. Certainly I love american cars but I drem with Ferrari, Lamborginni, Mercedez, BMW, Jaguar etc. So we must understand the diferences among them. As an example, if we interbreed a horse with a donkey we obtain a mule, and GOD SAY'S ITS NOT GOOD!!