I was reading an editorial in the latest Hemmings Classic Car mag about a Graham Sharknose. I never heard of one so did a little research and came up with this. In my opinion it is one really cool car. Check out this web sight. IT has a lot of really neat old cars in it with great information. http://www.ritzsite.net/Archive/01_CotM.htm
They are good with peanut butter and they are good crumbled up on chocolate ice cream. I guess our Graham would be more suitable for crumbling up.
Don't get it, I understand foro drag that is the right shape but looks like an airfoil... which causes lift, oh and it is butt ugly too.
I know a guy that has a 4 door Graham Shark Nose. His is a total project, he calls it his son's college fund. That two door drop top looks much better.