I bought a used perma cool 14 inch electric fan for my maverick ,I also got the adjustable thermostatic switch and control box ,I found the wiring diagram online and I need someone to help explain to me how the 3 postion switch needs to be wired!! #1 postion has the orange wire from themostatic box hooked to it #2 postion on the switch is wired to the battery the middle which is off postion is hooked to the 85 prong on the relay and then u have a ground... I need help explain to me how a 3 postion switch works and whatpostion do I leave it in for everything to work properly ,I'm really dunb when it comes to wiring
there is no diagram that I can find on their web-site! I have a adjustable thermostatic switch -control box with a 30 amp replay that plugs into the box,it has 5 wires coming out of the box one is the radiator mounted sensor the other for are orange-red-yellow and black I don't think the diagram I typed up on here with the 3 way postion is needed !! th eblack wire is ground and the yellow wire is a switched power source !! Now whats left is the red wire which has a fusable link ,I'm thinking it goes to the battery source and the orange goes to the positive wir eon the fan ,this is how I plan to wire it up ,does this sound correct sorry I don't have pictures and like I said the original wiring i 1st posted is wrong its for a dual fans I'm running a single