So just got my car home today and started taking a peak around under the hood. Here are some pictures of things thst are disconnected/cut These are on the front right(facing the engine bay) side Both of these red hoses are cut. They go into the firewall on the passenger side And this is just the hose from the thermostat with a bad kink in it(not sure if that could cause my heat problem) Any help figuring out whats what would be awesome
The red hoses go to the heater, it's probably disconnected because of a core leak. The others appear to be a/c lines. Looks like the compressor is missing.
Okay thank you for the info. Heres another picture if you can spot anything else out of place or missing
Looks like the radiator hose is a little long, cut a half inch from the end and re install. The kink should become undone. If it's still there take a little more off and reinstall.
The passenger side valve cover is missing the pcv valve, or the connector that hooks to the air cleaner.
Just added them back on today. Not sure why he removed them Cut hose still has a kink but im going to get a new hose for it Found out the power steering is completely unhooked the hose at the bottom of the pump up is cut and capped and the pump is empty! on the to do list for next week, today we changed the oil and boy was that oil bad Good news is my neighbor dropped off a bunch of mustang parts today for free!
There is a hose that goes from the white plastic jug cannister that is located under the passengers side hood hinge and goes to the air cleaner. This is what the gas tank vent tube goes to, you may get a gassy smell from that area