Looks like it should be out soon. Go to WWW.Tiger Wheels .com For a look at the prototype of it,it says it was going to be out in the spring of 2003,well it's summer now (maybe it's out already) Anyone know for sure?
looks good!! unfinished, and the wheels look big, but if it looks anything like the quality of the camaro above it, count me in.
The mirror is way too big. it needs the sport mirrors. If its supposed to be a 70 Grabber, it should have the sport mirrors and spoiler.
Come on now! It's a prototype,I'm sure the finshed one will be just as nice as the camaro,at least someone is making one,I read in the toy magazine that they were going to make a plain Mav and a grabber,was hoping they make a 1971,and then a sprint etc. We'll see!