The other day I went out looking aroud in the junkyards and found a near perfect seat swap. If anybody is looking to install some nice buckets into their car, I would highly suggest finding a early model (mine were out of a '89) Plymouth Laser, Mitsubishi Eclipse...etc. The seats will mount into a Maverick (mine a 72) with only some trimming and hole drilling. They pretty comfortable and I got my pair for $30. They also match well with my interior (beige/tan)... I will try to post pics later.
i take it you car was a bench first? im desperatly searching for buckets and can't seem to find any tracks, but i know of alot of nice seats..
Keep us posted.... I have a bench seat, and I'm very interested in the details as well. Thanks! Atzy.
HERES THE PICS! take a look and if you want a bigger picture ask me and I'll email you. (Ignore all my crap in the background shes still underconstruction)