I bought this vise a couple weeks ago off Craigslist and just now found the time to bolt it to the work bench. It's a Parker vise made back in the 50's. I've gone through 2 department store type bench vises in the last 7 years. This one should last me the rest of my life. I thought about painting it but decided to keep it looking original.
I've got space problems in my garage I have a very small steel bench that my cut off saw sits on. I have a nice old vice similar to yours that I would love to bolt to the bench but it would get in the way when using the cutoff saw. I've been considering taking an old steel milk jug that I have and digging a hole outside my garage, filling the hole and jug with rebar and cement and mounting the vice on top of that. Just a thought and it would be kind of decorative too.
nice! i got one years ago from my grandpa..looks the same and i've put the thing through some serious tests..he has a few of them just sitting at his place now hes retired & shut down his business/sold most the stuff. if it doesn't last...i'd really want to know what your doing to it!
Good find! You can't beat the old stuff. I have trashed a couple of newer vises with somewhat light use.
Nice! You just can't beat good quality shop equipment. I have an old bench vise that I obtained from an old 50's era dealer that closed down. The jaws are strong as he'll and it opens very wide compared to the newer ones you can buy now.
I have a vise I picked up from Biglots 6 years ago (I know but price was right) and its holding up great after lots of abuse. New things are never built as good as old equipment that goes for most anything though.
Looks pretty stout. Mine is a cheaper on but it spins and swivels. Was pricey for what it does not for it's quality..http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_34878_34878
I have two old Wilton vices. One I am using, the other has the lower front area broken off, so the internal thread block just slides out the front. God knows how they broke this, but I think I can fix it by drilling a 7/16" hole through the sides and block and putting a pin through to hold the thread block. Both these vices have 5" wide jaws and open to 7" ( leaving 1" of thread on the screw ). Handiest thing in the world is a good vise!!! I lucked out and got both of them years ago for $20 at a yard sale!