Here is just one of the things i've been working on for the car, just got started and the appraisal business is keeping me extrememly busy but I should have it done in another month or so!! Very tedious work!!
oops, posted the wrong picture first!! Here's a better picture, the two ports on the left are almost done and the two on the right have not been touched!! So far it's taken me about 6 hours on each port!!
Looking good. That'll keep you busy for a while! Have you ported one before? If not, are you using a 'how-to' from a web-site? BTW, I wish all I had to do was sit around and whittle on an intake! Must be nice! Keep up the good work.
yes, this is my second Victor Jr that I will have ported as well as several other stock intakes and cylinder heads. This one will have more time in it then all the other ones combined!! Most of my "how to" information comes from guys that have run a similar combination as mine and several other engine builders that I have collected information from. This intake will have much bigger intake runners to help take advantage of the nitrous, it will also be perfectly port matched to the cylinder heads!! I"m also polishing the exterior of the intake!!
Lookin' good! The polished outside should look great, too! What kind of numbers are you wanting to get down to? Keep up the awesome work! -Corbin
Man that first pic was giving me a headache from eyes trying to focus. Awesome work. Steve I sell some polish, made by wizards, that is great wheels, intakes, whatever.... that is incredible. I'll bring some to the round-up to demostrate.
If you ever do port work on cast iron, dont do it on your nice black top. I thought it would be a good idea to do it ouside the garage so the dust dont get on my cars. That part worked good . But next time it rained, all that dust rusted & stained the blacktop.
RE:Nitrous Motor Then you already know to open the exhaust ports as much as possible too. Good luck. Rick
I love a good port job, I just hate all the metal that you get in your mouth, noise, hair and so on. Looks like a PRO job, and you know it's done the way you want it when you do it yourself! Terry Gates AKA Bossmav
Hey Mavaholic, maybe you could use por15 on your drive, it would turn the rust to paintable black surface.
Thanks guys, i'm looking forward to seeing if all this work pays off!! At the roundup i'll be shooting for 6.90's on the motor and 5.80's on the nitrous. Rick, th e exhaust on the heads is all CNC ported about as far as you can take Victor Jr's. I hope the new headers will also help "enhance" the nitrous!! I guess we'll just have to wait till the roundup!!! I hope I can get everything done in time!!