friend of mine and I (same guy that helped paint my blue '71) ive got some better pictures on my camera, those were taken with my iPhone
as long as one has the facility and tools, it's pretty simple and fun (to me).... but requires ALOT of patience, something i dont have lol
I love painting...... Its all that hard work and dirty prep that I hate. The guy who taught me to paint also taught me when the prep was done..... When you get tired of looking at it - its time to paint.
Stang looks great. I knew it was time to paint mine after I started having dreams of sanding the same panels over and over again. So I thought. Then after 2 more full primes and blocking my painter told me its ready for paint. I didnt dare try painting mine. I did get some pointers and did a bit of priming. Only cause I knew I was going to sand it off anyhow. I does take talent and good booth to minimize the amount of work after the paint is laid.
as soon as i buy a new home, im gonna add/build a side to it just for painting so i can get the best results. my brother and i both enjoy painting but at the time, we just dont have a place to do it. and thx guys. im gonna give it about a week for the paint to 'cure' real good then we're gonna hit it with some 1200/1500 wet sanding to really make it shine and as smooth as glass
yup, several times actually lol..... then with 320..... then finished with 400 but wait, it'll get 1500 next week!